Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

Be an ancient tourist!   Enjoy the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World!
6th graders (and 5th combo students) are using these resources to identify and learn about the Wonders:
Greek goddess Diane
from the Library of
Congress photo collection

CNN's "Virtual Tour of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World"

National Geographic Kids "The Original 7 Wonders of the World"

World Book Online

Social Studies for Kids: 7 Ancient Wonders

Think you are ready to take the quiz?  Try it :

Create a one-minute advertisement for your Ancient Wonder:
Work together in your assigned group.   Make an advertisement that can be Flip-videoed.
The ad should include:

1.  Title "screen" with the name of the Wonder printed.  Spelling & capitalization matters!
2.  Background scenery.   A 12" x 18" picture of the Wonder.  Make it neat & colorful!
3.  Credits "screen" with your sources listed and the first names of your team & their jobs.
4.  A puppet on a craft stick for each team member.  (You may use your photo).
5.  At least eight interesting facts about the Wonder.   Include:
         WHERE it existed
         WHEN it was built
         WHY it was made
         WHAT made it special
6.  Include an advertising slogan that sells your Wonder as the best!
7.  Include a speaking part for each team member.

You will be graded on the accuracy of your facts, the persuasiveness of your ad, and the elements that make your ad colorful and interesting.

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