Thursday, February 3, 2011


All Fourth Graders are responsible for completing this assignment.  Please see me if you have any questions or problems with it.

Choose and read a book:          __ Fiction(a “chapter book” that is not a recent movie)
                                                                ___ Use a book that is a choice in the Library
                                                ___ A book that you liked & want to show others would be a good choice!

Materials:                                 ___ Paper bag (or a box or a backpack or…)
                                                ___ 5-6 objects
                                                ___ the book you read


1.  Choose at least 5 objects from your book that are important to the story.  Example:  If you read Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White, you might collect a toy tractor, a piece of string, a plastic egg, a blue ribbon, a page torn from a magazine, and a toy spider.

2.  Make a list of the objects.  The objects are your clues, so save the easiest clues for last.  Now think of something to tell the class about each object.  Hint at how it was used in the book without giving it away.

3.  Put the book and clues in the bag and bring the list with you.

4.  You will begin your report by placing your bag in front of the class.  Look at  your list and take the first object out.  Hold it up, tell the class what it is, and give a little hint about how it is used in the book.    You can let the class start guessing after the first 3 clues.

5.  Show the book to the class.  Read the title and author’s name out loud.  Invite questions about the book and the clues.

You will be graded on:
            ___ Following directions for choosing a book.
            ___ Being prepared to give your report on the day you signed up for.
            ___ Following directions for how to do the book report.
            ___ Using thought or creativity in  your clues.

Feb. 3rd :                      Choose a fiction book and begin reading (or continue reading a                                                 book you have already started.)
Feb. 10th-March 17th:  Sign up for one of these Thursdays to give your report.
                             All reports are due on or before Thursday,  March 17th.

Here's what it looks like:

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