Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Lewis and Clark Expedition

Millie is a Newfoundland like Seaman.
But Seaman weighed 150 pounds and Millie
is only 105 pounds.

Can you catch magpies to send to President Jefferson?   
Navigate a river--going upstream?
Identify unfamiliar plants?
Find your way across the Bitterroot Mountains?
Try doing what Meriwether Lewis, William Clark, & the Corps of Discovery did at:

The Lewis & Clark Adventure Game

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Hoax or not?

Can you tell the truth from fiction?

Some of these websites have accurate
Some are partly or totally untrue.
(Scroll down for the answers).

1. Burmese Mountain Dog

2. Dog Island

3. Giant Squid

4. Insects as Food

5. Inventions with Patents

6. Jackalope Conspiracy

7. Lewis and Clark

8. Mike the Headless Chicken

9. Peruvian Hairless Dog

10. Moving Rocks

1.F  2. F  3. T  4. T  5. T  6. F  7. F  8. T  9. T  10. T

Monday, February 13, 2012

February is "I Love to Read" Month!

These four bookcases are the entire library for
a 500-student school in Kenya.  
Photographed by Gail Michener, Feb. 2012.

As we celebrate reading this month (and every month!) let's celebrate all the wonderful books we have in our Rose Park School Library.  Some children who love to read are not as fortunate.   Stop in and check some out!

Friday, February 3, 2012